In our incredibly fast-moving and changing reality everything is becoming exposed.
For those who can see, for those with intuitive insight, and in all honesty we all have this ability as this is our Divine Birthright, things are becoming transparent pretty quickly: thoughts, motives, insights, the inner workings of a person's mind. The inner workings of created entities.
I have always been able to read people pretty accurately and now I can read them acutely, nothing is hidden anymore. Some of it is really not pretty. Some of it is beatific, and from the most unlikely of sources. I believe that this breakthrough in our Sight is pervasive, and the implications are enormous: for society, for governments, for so-called secret societies.
What happens when the 3D world, in an ever diminishing bubble, begins to fall apart. What happens to created entities, governments, government agencies, corporations, when their worlds start to flounder and fall apart. This will only happen when they are rooted in untruth, when the fabric that created them and holds them in 3D, in the world of illusion, disintegrates completely. When they become exposed.
Although many may not be aware of this phenomenon in their own worlds or believe that something like this could actually happen, it really is. Big time.
All is being exposed now.
In every facet of our world, the Emperor is being revealed as an entity without clothes, as naked as the day is long, for all to see. And only when this nakedness is revealed in its entirety, can change occur. If the entity is unhealthy then it must be disassembled and re-created in a healthier paradigm. Into a healthier being.
It is only then that a new world can be created and brought into a higher level of reality.
For those who can see, for those with intuitive insight, and in all honesty we all have this ability as this is our Divine Birthright, things are becoming transparent pretty quickly: thoughts, motives, insights, the inner workings of a person's mind. The inner workings of created entities.
I have always been able to read people pretty accurately and now I can read them acutely, nothing is hidden anymore. Some of it is really not pretty. Some of it is beatific, and from the most unlikely of sources. I believe that this breakthrough in our Sight is pervasive, and the implications are enormous: for society, for governments, for so-called secret societies.
What happens when the 3D world, in an ever diminishing bubble, begins to fall apart. What happens to created entities, governments, government agencies, corporations, when their worlds start to flounder and fall apart. This will only happen when they are rooted in untruth, when the fabric that created them and holds them in 3D, in the world of illusion, disintegrates completely. When they become exposed.
Although many may not be aware of this phenomenon in their own worlds or believe that something like this could actually happen, it really is. Big time.
All is being exposed now.
In every facet of our world, the Emperor is being revealed as an entity without clothes, as naked as the day is long, for all to see. And only when this nakedness is revealed in its entirety, can change occur. If the entity is unhealthy then it must be disassembled and re-created in a healthier paradigm. Into a healthier being.
It is only then that a new world can be created and brought into a higher level of reality.