How have we managed to stray so far from our holiness, from the Divine Beings that we truly are?
At what point in our evolution did we turn a God of supreme Love into one of hated, calumny, terror and infamy?
How can we possibly believe that God would sanction acts of depravity against one of His/Her children, based upon the color of their skin, their religion, their gender or their sexual leanings? It would be as though God had killed the Divine in all of Creation, and had become divided against Itself.
There are no vestal virgins waiting those who commit jihad, and here I mean jihad from any tribe against another. There is no celebration in Heaven when one of the holy children fall....there is only great sadness and a mirror held up to the one that committed the atrocity, a mirror that is held up by one's Divine Self, and by God Herself.
When you pass judgment on another, you condemn yourself. When you kill another, you kill yourself, doubly so if this is done "In God's name."
At what point in our evolution did we turn a God of supreme Love into one of hated, calumny, terror and infamy?
How can we possibly believe that God would sanction acts of depravity against one of His/Her children, based upon the color of their skin, their religion, their gender or their sexual leanings? It would be as though God had killed the Divine in all of Creation, and had become divided against Itself.
There are no vestal virgins waiting those who commit jihad, and here I mean jihad from any tribe against another. There is no celebration in Heaven when one of the holy children fall....there is only great sadness and a mirror held up to the one that committed the atrocity, a mirror that is held up by one's Divine Self, and by God Herself.
When you pass judgment on another, you condemn yourself. When you kill another, you kill yourself, doubly so if this is done "In God's name."