We were created perfect, the summation of the perfection of Father God and Mother Goddess who created all of us, humans, rocks, trees, flowers, out of the ecstasy of their Love.
We were given enormous powers and responsibilities, and were told to care for the Earth.
In the beginning, we walked with the Angels, the Archangels and the Great Beings of Light and we were told to create worlds without end. Everyone knew that Earth was the grand experiment, and a way for Spirit to merge with matter in a narrow spectrum of duality. At the beginning, all was perfect.
The fall took a long time and now we are at the still point where we cannot be allowed to fall further or the Earth, you and I and our children, will be destroyed.
The Earth is trying to recover from our infamy and our hubris. from our arrogance. She is doing whatever it takes to return to balance at this time. But we have destroyed our forests, killed our animals and like Lamia, we became a monster that ate our children.
Everything that has happened in our world comes as a result of our past actions, which is why there is great upheaval and unrest in the world now. Which is why we are all finally saying NO to the mindset that has led us along this dark path.
The sound that we are hearing around the world, is that of Ascension, of the Earth, of us, of creation as we return home to the Light that created us.
We were given enormous powers and responsibilities, and were told to care for the Earth.
In the beginning, we walked with the Angels, the Archangels and the Great Beings of Light and we were told to create worlds without end. Everyone knew that Earth was the grand experiment, and a way for Spirit to merge with matter in a narrow spectrum of duality. At the beginning, all was perfect.
The fall took a long time and now we are at the still point where we cannot be allowed to fall further or the Earth, you and I and our children, will be destroyed.
The Earth is trying to recover from our infamy and our hubris. from our arrogance. She is doing whatever it takes to return to balance at this time. But we have destroyed our forests, killed our animals and like Lamia, we became a monster that ate our children.
Everything that has happened in our world comes as a result of our past actions, which is why there is great upheaval and unrest in the world now. Which is why we are all finally saying NO to the mindset that has led us along this dark path.
The sound that we are hearing around the world, is that of Ascension, of the Earth, of us, of creation as we return home to the Light that created us.