I have a strong feeling of identification to the world of Paris in the late 1800's, early 1900's when the GREAT ONES , like Vincent Van Gogh, Paul Cezanne, Henri Rouseau, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Juan Gris, Amadeo Modigliani, Rodin and his great muse and lover Camille Claudel lived, worked, and breathed their greatest passions into life.
I feel inside me, viscerally, the sacrifice that they all went through to create and craft their vision, often in the face of ridicule from a world that was ensnared in "custom" and "convention", one that was ill-equipped to appreciate them. I would imagine that nothing would stand in the way of their creating that perfect brushstroke, that exquisite line on the canvas, that impeccable sculpture, and that many of them thought to do nothing else but to live for this act of creation alone, for art was everything to them. So much so that many gave their lives for this passion for it consumed them so completely.
So must we have this same passion now, for the incredible beauty that is our life, for the creation of our own canvas and our unique way of Being. NOW is the time to be exulting in the energy of Creation as it is so readily available to those of us who heed to call; indeed, it is available to all of us now and grows more stridently every day to get our attention.
It is up to us to listen, as each of our creations are perfect.
I feel inside me, viscerally, the sacrifice that they all went through to create and craft their vision, often in the face of ridicule from a world that was ensnared in "custom" and "convention", one that was ill-equipped to appreciate them. I would imagine that nothing would stand in the way of their creating that perfect brushstroke, that exquisite line on the canvas, that impeccable sculpture, and that many of them thought to do nothing else but to live for this act of creation alone, for art was everything to them. So much so that many gave their lives for this passion for it consumed them so completely.
So must we have this same passion now, for the incredible beauty that is our life, for the creation of our own canvas and our unique way of Being. NOW is the time to be exulting in the energy of Creation as it is so readily available to those of us who heed to call; indeed, it is available to all of us now and grows more stridently every day to get our attention.
It is up to us to listen, as each of our creations are perfect.