We are being bombarded on every level right now, and the sound waves around us,in particular, are having a profound effect on our bodies, down to the level of our cellular structure.
There are certain types of music, for instance, that causes my being to freeze and recoil: heavy metal, some rap, that which to me bears the booming dissonance of inanity. And there are other types of music, classical, New Age that causes all energy impediments within me to dissolve leaving me in a state of inner peace and joy, floating and disembodied on a beautiful sea or a gentle river.
I worry about those (the majority) who walk along utterly oblivious to the richness of life around them, texting in the middle of busy intersections, phones strapped to their bodies like accessories, as though they face a ongoing and desperate need for a constant 2- second sound bite in communication that replaces the opportunity for something deeper. Little do they realize that the electromagnetic radiation that is going into their brains and cellular structure in an ongoing and unremitting way will probably make them very ill one day, and sooner rather than later.
We are living in a time where everything is heightened, where time is speeding up leaving many discombobulated and fragmented, where every tonality and curve of sound is bombarding us: music, the daily blare and glare of an increasingly frantic world, is impacting us far more than we think.
We are not just our bodies, we are atoms and molecules and cells that are very receptive to the world that we experience. But more than that we are Spiritual Beings who have chosen to reside in this material vehicle for this lifetime only, but whose essence moves on when the human sheath is left behind us. We are musical octaves whose chakras respond vibrantly to the sounds of our world and what we choose to surrender to. We are the mirror of our choices.
I remember once doing a meditation in early morning which was so profound that I saw myself well above the Earth, my essence mingling with the stars and the planets around me. I remember thinking that this was enormously cool, but this thought did not come from "me", it came from the galactic spaces around me, from the stratum of light that makes up who I AM.
There are certain types of music, for instance, that causes my being to freeze and recoil: heavy metal, some rap, that which to me bears the booming dissonance of inanity. And there are other types of music, classical, New Age that causes all energy impediments within me to dissolve leaving me in a state of inner peace and joy, floating and disembodied on a beautiful sea or a gentle river.
I worry about those (the majority) who walk along utterly oblivious to the richness of life around them, texting in the middle of busy intersections, phones strapped to their bodies like accessories, as though they face a ongoing and desperate need for a constant 2- second sound bite in communication that replaces the opportunity for something deeper. Little do they realize that the electromagnetic radiation that is going into their brains and cellular structure in an ongoing and unremitting way will probably make them very ill one day, and sooner rather than later.
We are living in a time where everything is heightened, where time is speeding up leaving many discombobulated and fragmented, where every tonality and curve of sound is bombarding us: music, the daily blare and glare of an increasingly frantic world, is impacting us far more than we think.
We are not just our bodies, we are atoms and molecules and cells that are very receptive to the world that we experience. But more than that we are Spiritual Beings who have chosen to reside in this material vehicle for this lifetime only, but whose essence moves on when the human sheath is left behind us. We are musical octaves whose chakras respond vibrantly to the sounds of our world and what we choose to surrender to. We are the mirror of our choices.
I remember once doing a meditation in early morning which was so profound that I saw myself well above the Earth, my essence mingling with the stars and the planets around me. I remember thinking that this was enormously cool, but this thought did not come from "me", it came from the galactic spaces around me, from the stratum of light that makes up who I AM.