Every impulse that we feel, every intention that we send out, every thought form that we send to another is attached to a powerful wave of electromagnetic energy because we are in fact, bio-genetic computers.
So we think of those who walk in darkness whose worlds are filled with hatred towards themselves and others, full of judgement and malice, and condescension. And we wonder why illness and death frequently follows them, and why the darkness that they send out comes back to them, which it does, in the fullness of time. This is not punishment, this is the Law of Nature, a law that is profoundly and deeply active now.
There is no margin for error anymore.
I am reminded of a book that I eluded to in another post, The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist who conducted extensive studies into how water crystals morphed and changed according to the messages that he and his team sent them. Messages like "you are evil" or "Satan", messages that came from heavy metal music distorted the crystals into something monstrous. Whereas messages like "Love" or "Gratitude" or "You are loved" or "Angels" made them shine with great beauty.
We are composed mainly of water so it is no small leap to imagine what ongoing and unremitting toxic messaging can do to us.
The light is infinitely more powerful. A powerful Being of Light can emit radiant beams of energy that can heal, and render the darkness impotent, just through thought and intention. It is very important to remember this. Even though it seems that we are surrounded by chaos and darkness right now know that the Light is winning, it was never intended to be any other way. "Ascension" is a one way transit.
A small percentage of Light Workers in the midst of darkness can make all the difference in the world, literally. And they are already here among us, with their numbers growing every day. It is really up to us.
Do not be deceived by the illusions of the world. The sound you are hearing, the howls of change and discomfort, is really the sound of purposed illusions disintegrating around you in this great university called Earth.
So we think of those who walk in darkness whose worlds are filled with hatred towards themselves and others, full of judgement and malice, and condescension. And we wonder why illness and death frequently follows them, and why the darkness that they send out comes back to them, which it does, in the fullness of time. This is not punishment, this is the Law of Nature, a law that is profoundly and deeply active now.
There is no margin for error anymore.
I am reminded of a book that I eluded to in another post, The Hidden Messages in Water by Masaru Emoto, a Japanese scientist who conducted extensive studies into how water crystals morphed and changed according to the messages that he and his team sent them. Messages like "you are evil" or "Satan", messages that came from heavy metal music distorted the crystals into something monstrous. Whereas messages like "Love" or "Gratitude" or "You are loved" or "Angels" made them shine with great beauty.
We are composed mainly of water so it is no small leap to imagine what ongoing and unremitting toxic messaging can do to us.
The light is infinitely more powerful. A powerful Being of Light can emit radiant beams of energy that can heal, and render the darkness impotent, just through thought and intention. It is very important to remember this. Even though it seems that we are surrounded by chaos and darkness right now know that the Light is winning, it was never intended to be any other way. "Ascension" is a one way transit.
A small percentage of Light Workers in the midst of darkness can make all the difference in the world, literally. And they are already here among us, with their numbers growing every day. It is really up to us.
Do not be deceived by the illusions of the world. The sound you are hearing, the howls of change and discomfort, is really the sound of purposed illusions disintegrating around you in this great university called Earth.