It is interesting to speculate about the power of the White Horse in mythology and the sacredness of its presence in the eyes of many societies in both lore and symbolism.
I think of the White Horse in the symbolism of the Apocalypse and how this horse in Christianity represents Christ returning to Earth with his legions of angels, eliminating the dark powers definitively and coming back to claim the Light for the world.
As we approach Easter and the resurrection, regardless of our spiritual inclination, the idea of Christ returning to earth having won victory over the world of form, malice, greed and hatred, the earthly powers, is a compelling one, one that delivers a powerful lesson for all of us who are weary of the ego and its stranglehold on our natures. Who are weary of the status quo in a "power over" kind of world, which is rapidly disintegrating.
Of course there is great talk about the "end of time", and in 2012 this becomes particularly relevant as the theories of what lies ahead for the Earth and for us are wide spread and various.
I talk about the "end of time" in the Magdalene book. Her final incarnation, which happens in our time, has her "awakening "at a propitious moment to give us a warning about the subtle changes in the earth's energy, beyond the realm of thought and form, and how the idea of "ascension" is a term that can no longer be ignored.
Interestingly, the idea of a new world order is rampant in the literature today and there are two schools of thought about what this means. The naysayers will tell you that there is nothing short of total annihilation awaiting the Earth, run for your bunkers (hmm, where would one hide exactly??), while others, myself included, say that there is a wholesale transformation taking place as the Earth shifts on her axis, Venus slows in her orbit, icebergs melt quickly, solar storms increase in strength, Nature rages wildly, and so on.
But in no way do I believe that this is annihilation for the Earth. It is however, transformation, and it is being accompanied by a necessary shifting of world consiousness away from the patriarchal, old world power struggle into something more inclusive, feminine and humane. There are many who believe that this shift is accelerating, that the energy of the universe is palpably shifting, some say a Divine Essence is returning, and that it will accelerate quite a bit over the coming months and years, and that further, it is not optional to buy in or stay neutral as it is sweeping over all of us, collectively.
Those who don't make this transformation in consciousnesses will find the changes that are now upon us uncomfortable and finally, unbearable. Some will not make it.
Perhaps this is the true meaning of the White Horse and Christ's return, the return of Christ consciousness in all of us as we collectively, regardless of race, gender, religion or philosophy, transform our world back into the Garden, back into what was intended for us all along.
No one has the power to stop this.
I think of the White Horse in the symbolism of the Apocalypse and how this horse in Christianity represents Christ returning to Earth with his legions of angels, eliminating the dark powers definitively and coming back to claim the Light for the world.
As we approach Easter and the resurrection, regardless of our spiritual inclination, the idea of Christ returning to earth having won victory over the world of form, malice, greed and hatred, the earthly powers, is a compelling one, one that delivers a powerful lesson for all of us who are weary of the ego and its stranglehold on our natures. Who are weary of the status quo in a "power over" kind of world, which is rapidly disintegrating.
Of course there is great talk about the "end of time", and in 2012 this becomes particularly relevant as the theories of what lies ahead for the Earth and for us are wide spread and various.
I talk about the "end of time" in the Magdalene book. Her final incarnation, which happens in our time, has her "awakening "at a propitious moment to give us a warning about the subtle changes in the earth's energy, beyond the realm of thought and form, and how the idea of "ascension" is a term that can no longer be ignored.
Interestingly, the idea of a new world order is rampant in the literature today and there are two schools of thought about what this means. The naysayers will tell you that there is nothing short of total annihilation awaiting the Earth, run for your bunkers (hmm, where would one hide exactly??), while others, myself included, say that there is a wholesale transformation taking place as the Earth shifts on her axis, Venus slows in her orbit, icebergs melt quickly, solar storms increase in strength, Nature rages wildly, and so on.
But in no way do I believe that this is annihilation for the Earth. It is however, transformation, and it is being accompanied by a necessary shifting of world consiousness away from the patriarchal, old world power struggle into something more inclusive, feminine and humane. There are many who believe that this shift is accelerating, that the energy of the universe is palpably shifting, some say a Divine Essence is returning, and that it will accelerate quite a bit over the coming months and years, and that further, it is not optional to buy in or stay neutral as it is sweeping over all of us, collectively.
Those who don't make this transformation in consciousnesses will find the changes that are now upon us uncomfortable and finally, unbearable. Some will not make it.
Perhaps this is the true meaning of the White Horse and Christ's return, the return of Christ consciousness in all of us as we collectively, regardless of race, gender, religion or philosophy, transform our world back into the Garden, back into what was intended for us all along.
No one has the power to stop this.