The naysayers, politicians, and others who deem themselves to be "in the know" will tell you that we are headed, collectively, to our doom: droughts, ice caps melting, the increase in sectarian violence,the adversity of the weather, wars and more wars, an increase in religious intolerance, the end of the world, etc, etc, and their proclamations are being fed by a largely irresponsible media who manipulate us as though we were a gladiatorial sport.
They feed the maw of the beast, which is everyone on the planet who links themselves into this collective (and rising) anxiety and dementia.
Do I personally believe the naysayers to be right? No, I believe the naysayers to be idiots, I always have.
I will not argue that the times we are living in are dramatic, some might say unprecedented. I actually feel very fortunate to be living at this time. But what is in turmoil here, and what is being shattered is the collective egoism of the world, the insane belief we have that our way of life is supreme and sacrosanct.
We are being rudely shaken out of our delusions as we watch our (collective) earth being literally shaken to its core. And we have absolutely no control over the outcome.
The chaos that we are perceiving now is, in part, egoism rising up to defend its position: patriarchy, war, mayhem, visceral hatreds, all feeding on the fear of the susceptible, as they have for far too long. But this time, it will be to no avail. The forces that are now at work upon the earth are too strong, and egoism will ultimately die, as it is fated to do so. But this is not to say that the earth will die, because she won't. She will outlive us all.
If you separate yourself from the naysayers and from the utter ridiculousness of what we have historically considered to be important: religion as a totemic belief system (which leads to an "us" versus "them" scenario) the dire warnings of the politicians and financiers, our need to have more, our indefatigable greed, our susceptibility to the "wisdom" of the media, our acceptance of the creed of certain religious leaders, our staunch belief that patriarchy is god-given, our insane displacement of our divine reverence for God to the infinitesimally smaller "gods" of this world, like our fascination with Hollywood actors who belch and defecate like we do, then we understand that alongside this chaos, the chaos of the egoism that is trying to maintain its hold on the world, there is a growing consciousness, a love, a peace, a rising feminism, an inclusive belief system, and an excitement of the "new earth" that is unfolding.....and all of this is happening in our lifetime. Furthermore, this groundswell of consciousness cannot be stopped. It cannot be held back at the point of a gun, or from the threats of the weak and the cruel. It cannot be held back by force.
Of course, the naysayers cannot hear this anthem, as their egoism prevents it. They continue to sing their own, mindless anthem. Let them. In the end, they will disappear as they should, as they must.
They feed the maw of the beast, which is everyone on the planet who links themselves into this collective (and rising) anxiety and dementia.
Do I personally believe the naysayers to be right? No, I believe the naysayers to be idiots, I always have.
I will not argue that the times we are living in are dramatic, some might say unprecedented. I actually feel very fortunate to be living at this time. But what is in turmoil here, and what is being shattered is the collective egoism of the world, the insane belief we have that our way of life is supreme and sacrosanct.
We are being rudely shaken out of our delusions as we watch our (collective) earth being literally shaken to its core. And we have absolutely no control over the outcome.
The chaos that we are perceiving now is, in part, egoism rising up to defend its position: patriarchy, war, mayhem, visceral hatreds, all feeding on the fear of the susceptible, as they have for far too long. But this time, it will be to no avail. The forces that are now at work upon the earth are too strong, and egoism will ultimately die, as it is fated to do so. But this is not to say that the earth will die, because she won't. She will outlive us all.
If you separate yourself from the naysayers and from the utter ridiculousness of what we have historically considered to be important: religion as a totemic belief system (which leads to an "us" versus "them" scenario) the dire warnings of the politicians and financiers, our need to have more, our indefatigable greed, our susceptibility to the "wisdom" of the media, our acceptance of the creed of certain religious leaders, our staunch belief that patriarchy is god-given, our insane displacement of our divine reverence for God to the infinitesimally smaller "gods" of this world, like our fascination with Hollywood actors who belch and defecate like we do, then we understand that alongside this chaos, the chaos of the egoism that is trying to maintain its hold on the world, there is a growing consciousness, a love, a peace, a rising feminism, an inclusive belief system, and an excitement of the "new earth" that is unfolding.....and all of this is happening in our lifetime. Furthermore, this groundswell of consciousness cannot be stopped. It cannot be held back at the point of a gun, or from the threats of the weak and the cruel. It cannot be held back by force.
Of course, the naysayers cannot hear this anthem, as their egoism prevents it. They continue to sing their own, mindless anthem. Let them. In the end, they will disappear as they should, as they must.