There is no corner in the world where the expanding nature of the Creator Light will not reach. There is no smugness required, or righteousness, which is of a lower vibrational level, when something bad happens in another part of the world.
"It can't happen here" is erroneous logic. Because it IS happening here, and everywhere.
We see the breakdown of precious souls who can no longer keep the Pandora's box closed on what is swirling around them. The pressure of the changing times is forcing open every crevice within our souls. This will intensify over the coming years.
Ancient hatreds, ancient wounds, black against white, white against black, men against women, women against men, religions against each other and governments against their people....there is no force or principality that will keep this in check now.
It must rise to be cleansed and healed. Be aware of what is happening around you, see this from a higher perspective. And hold sacred every breath.
As a wise teacher said to us recently, "We have forgotten the sacredness of our breath, our deep breathing and our connection to Source, and to each other. "
He also went onto say that every breath is sacred. Because it might be our last.
"It can't happen here" is erroneous logic. Because it IS happening here, and everywhere.
We see the breakdown of precious souls who can no longer keep the Pandora's box closed on what is swirling around them. The pressure of the changing times is forcing open every crevice within our souls. This will intensify over the coming years.
Ancient hatreds, ancient wounds, black against white, white against black, men against women, women against men, religions against each other and governments against their people....there is no force or principality that will keep this in check now.
It must rise to be cleansed and healed. Be aware of what is happening around you, see this from a higher perspective. And hold sacred every breath.
As a wise teacher said to us recently, "We have forgotten the sacredness of our breath, our deep breathing and our connection to Source, and to each other. "
He also went onto say that every breath is sacred. Because it might be our last.