Some of us are sleepwalkers, and we have been asleep for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years. In the time that we have been asleep we have forgotten who we are and we have drifted away from our connection to the "Source". This has led to deep anxiety and despair, which is the hallmark of many of us and the hallmark of the society we have created, collectively. Oh yes, we hide. Because this same society, with its overweening emphasis on appearance and status, has taught us to do that.
Bury mystery, bury the unseen, bury your souls, they do not exist say this society's philosophy. They go onto say that God does not exist because we cannot touch Her, we cannot see Him, we cannot communicate with the Divine.
Because of this disconnection, because of the societal belief in only the tangible and the finite, there is loneliness, sadness and depression for many, as we ricochet from one experience to another to stay ahead of the chaos, inside us and around us. As we stray away from who we really are.
The difference is that now, we can no longer hide. We are being shaken to the core, turned inside out, so that what is truly inside is now rising quickly to the surface to be exposed, and to be healed.
The "Consciousness" that we have denied, that unseen world, is now coming to reclaim us so that we can remember who we are. It swirls around us, uniting us in every particle of our existence. It loves us.
The Earth is only one of many worlds, I believe. And we are now being aligned with others, and being raised to another vibratory level altogether.
Bury mystery, bury the unseen, bury your souls, they do not exist say this society's philosophy. They go onto say that God does not exist because we cannot touch Her, we cannot see Him, we cannot communicate with the Divine.
Because of this disconnection, because of the societal belief in only the tangible and the finite, there is loneliness, sadness and depression for many, as we ricochet from one experience to another to stay ahead of the chaos, inside us and around us. As we stray away from who we really are.
The difference is that now, we can no longer hide. We are being shaken to the core, turned inside out, so that what is truly inside is now rising quickly to the surface to be exposed, and to be healed.
The "Consciousness" that we have denied, that unseen world, is now coming to reclaim us so that we can remember who we are. It swirls around us, uniting us in every particle of our existence. It loves us.
The Earth is only one of many worlds, I believe. And we are now being aligned with others, and being raised to another vibratory level altogether.