In Dean Koontz' novel, The good guy, there is an exchange at the end of the book between the protagonist and a certain Mr. Wentworth, who is part of a shadowy enclave of power brokers who, as Mr. Wentworth claims, are running the wheels of government, banking systems, the police, military and corporations, globally.
..."For a long time now, has not the news been nothing but doom? Do you think that just happens? Electric power lines cause cancer! But of course, they don't. Most everything you eat will kill you, and this pesticide, and that chemical! But of course people lead longer and healthier lives decade by decade. Fear is a hammer, and when the people are beaten finally to the conviction that their existence hangs by a frayed thread, they will be led where they need to go."
"Which is where?"
"To a responsible future in a properly managed world."
This sentiment, this belief that we must have the world population living in abject fear so that they can be controlled is the central theme of our times, from the rancid effluvia of our media, to the fear mongering of our governments, all of whom support vested interest groups who profit from our fear.
Fear takes away our power! Before you believe anything in the news, before you take direction from a power elite who has not shown their worthiness or integrity, stand up and demand accountability!
We are many and they are few, and as mentioned in an earlier post, living in the matrix only serves those who have created it to entrap you.
..."For a long time now, has not the news been nothing but doom? Do you think that just happens? Electric power lines cause cancer! But of course, they don't. Most everything you eat will kill you, and this pesticide, and that chemical! But of course people lead longer and healthier lives decade by decade. Fear is a hammer, and when the people are beaten finally to the conviction that their existence hangs by a frayed thread, they will be led where they need to go."
"Which is where?"
"To a responsible future in a properly managed world."
This sentiment, this belief that we must have the world population living in abject fear so that they can be controlled is the central theme of our times, from the rancid effluvia of our media, to the fear mongering of our governments, all of whom support vested interest groups who profit from our fear.
Fear takes away our power! Before you believe anything in the news, before you take direction from a power elite who has not shown their worthiness or integrity, stand up and demand accountability!
We are many and they are few, and as mentioned in an earlier post, living in the matrix only serves those who have created it to entrap you.