May I first of all express my sincere condolences to John McCain's family at this time.
Please note that I would pass the same condolences to anyone's family in the same way. Why? Because there is no difference in the eyes of God between John McCain, you and I, or the little children killed in contrived wars of savagery, like Vietnam and Iraq. In the eyes of the Divine we are all equally loved because we are all, equally, precious fragments wrought from the heart of the Creator and our Mother/Father God.
I believe that when our souls transition we have a review of what we have done. Did we use our gifts wisely, in love and in compassion? Or did we misuse them for profit, power and gain, and for the merciless removal of all who stood in our path. Because this is certainly the mindset of the 3D world that is also rapidly passing away.
I have great hope in this vision of the eternal soul continuously rising to perfect Itself because now, unlike any other time on Earth, this is a mandatory Divine directive.
John McCain's passing is also symbolic. Because the fierce, punitive action of the hawk, the killing merciless actions of our armies and those in power who strategize to keep us apart and at each other's throats, is a throw back to a time that no longer exists.
Please note that I would pass the same condolences to anyone's family in the same way. Why? Because there is no difference in the eyes of God between John McCain, you and I, or the little children killed in contrived wars of savagery, like Vietnam and Iraq. In the eyes of the Divine we are all equally loved because we are all, equally, precious fragments wrought from the heart of the Creator and our Mother/Father God.
I believe that when our souls transition we have a review of what we have done. Did we use our gifts wisely, in love and in compassion? Or did we misuse them for profit, power and gain, and for the merciless removal of all who stood in our path. Because this is certainly the mindset of the 3D world that is also rapidly passing away.
I have great hope in this vision of the eternal soul continuously rising to perfect Itself because now, unlike any other time on Earth, this is a mandatory Divine directive.
John McCain's passing is also symbolic. Because the fierce, punitive action of the hawk, the killing merciless actions of our armies and those in power who strategize to keep us apart and at each other's throats, is a throw back to a time that no longer exists.