".....,the majority of human beings barely exist. The death process begins very early in life, for their life line via their Higher Self is very narrow, and they are receiving only the Half-Spectrum Sight or the Primal Life Force Energy that permeates the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional world.
Anger, resentment, fear, hate and non-forgiveness speed up the aging and death process, for they reduce the amount of Prana a person receives and gradually cut off his / her lifeline to health and vitality. "
I read this notation in Becoming a Cosmic Telepath and a World Server, a compilation of messages published by Ronna Vezane, Sacred Scribe to Archangel Michael. This book also contains message from other Masters as well (see www.starquestmastery.com).
In the times we are living in, the times of Covid where many huddle in fear behind their masks, this statement has profound relevancy.
Not only is it impossible to breath in Pranic energy, it is also impossible to breathe in the life giving energies of nature who can heal us and keep our immune systems strong.
Most people these days are only breathing in fear, which will kill you faster than the pandemic.
Anger, resentment, fear, hate and non-forgiveness speed up the aging and death process, for they reduce the amount of Prana a person receives and gradually cut off his / her lifeline to health and vitality. "
I read this notation in Becoming a Cosmic Telepath and a World Server, a compilation of messages published by Ronna Vezane, Sacred Scribe to Archangel Michael. This book also contains message from other Masters as well (see www.starquestmastery.com).
In the times we are living in, the times of Covid where many huddle in fear behind their masks, this statement has profound relevancy.
Not only is it impossible to breath in Pranic energy, it is also impossible to breathe in the life giving energies of nature who can heal us and keep our immune systems strong.
Most people these days are only breathing in fear, which will kill you faster than the pandemic.