I think we are living in a time where everything is whispering to us to gain our attention and to remind us that we are magical beings inhabiting a truly magical universe.
Everything is alive, as Christ once said (paraphrase) "if I were to be silent, even the rocks and stones themselves would sing."
Indeed, and for many this song is being heard with great vibrancy now. It is not only the human factor that is ascending, it is the Great Earth as well, and the paroxysms that we are experiencing now is perhaps her attempt to rid herself of the infamy inflicted upon her so that She can rise to her fully ascended state as well.
Rocks, stones, the waters, all of creation is coming alive and to those inhabiting a multidimensional world, which is our divine birthright, there is an unprecedented amount of communication taking place.
And not only from Earth.
Everything is alive, as Christ once said (paraphrase) "if I were to be silent, even the rocks and stones themselves would sing."
Indeed, and for many this song is being heard with great vibrancy now. It is not only the human factor that is ascending, it is the Great Earth as well, and the paroxysms that we are experiencing now is perhaps her attempt to rid herself of the infamy inflicted upon her so that She can rise to her fully ascended state as well.
Rocks, stones, the waters, all of creation is coming alive and to those inhabiting a multidimensional world, which is our divine birthright, there is an unprecedented amount of communication taking place.
And not only from Earth.