Although it seems almost antithetical to say, I believe we are living in a time where an infusion of a great amount of light is causing the world to be cleansed, and ultimately to ascend.
The Earth herself is going through great paroxysms of change as she seeks to correct the degradation that has been wrought against her. Picture her as a living, vibrant being who has been assaulted and violated to the point of despair so that she now has no choice but to cleanse herself. Which she is doing, in a dramatic and profound way. Make no mistake, the Earth will survive and outlive all of us. Those of us who think that nature can be controlled could not be more wrong. I think she is proving otherwise by showing us who is ultimately in control. These demonstrations of her power, I believe, will only increase.
It's almost as though the cleansing that we are seeing in the natural world is also being experienced in the world of form as well. This great upheaval that we are going through is akin to rocks being kicked over to expose what lies beneath. We see this at all levels of society and government where the mighty fall from grace and corrupt and immoral practices are exposed. We also see the changes within ourselves as the darkness of the world of illusion and ego, which had caused us to lash out in cruelty and hatred in the past, or to stumble in fear, is now being turned against us. We are reaping the effects of the energy that we emit, of that which lies within us. Only now, this level of energy, this negativity, cannot be sustained in the intensity of the field of light that we are now in, but must be transmuted. Choices need to be made, by each of us.
The infusion of light on the Earth will only increase in intensity as the way is being cleared for a new Earth, and a new way of being.
We are living in unprecedented times.
The Earth herself is going through great paroxysms of change as she seeks to correct the degradation that has been wrought against her. Picture her as a living, vibrant being who has been assaulted and violated to the point of despair so that she now has no choice but to cleanse herself. Which she is doing, in a dramatic and profound way. Make no mistake, the Earth will survive and outlive all of us. Those of us who think that nature can be controlled could not be more wrong. I think she is proving otherwise by showing us who is ultimately in control. These demonstrations of her power, I believe, will only increase.
It's almost as though the cleansing that we are seeing in the natural world is also being experienced in the world of form as well. This great upheaval that we are going through is akin to rocks being kicked over to expose what lies beneath. We see this at all levels of society and government where the mighty fall from grace and corrupt and immoral practices are exposed. We also see the changes within ourselves as the darkness of the world of illusion and ego, which had caused us to lash out in cruelty and hatred in the past, or to stumble in fear, is now being turned against us. We are reaping the effects of the energy that we emit, of that which lies within us. Only now, this level of energy, this negativity, cannot be sustained in the intensity of the field of light that we are now in, but must be transmuted. Choices need to be made, by each of us.
The infusion of light on the Earth will only increase in intensity as the way is being cleared for a new Earth, and a new way of being.
We are living in unprecedented times.