We have been living on a starvation diet for most of our collective human experience, so says a wonderful teacher that I follow.
We are so ensnared by illusion, the illusions of the lower dimensions and our 3D/ego centered existence, that we have forgotten that we came from the stars, and from the heart of our great Creator.
At one time we walked with God and the Beings of the higher realms, and in this most unique moment of history we have the opportunity to do so again.
This time will not come again for a many years, for many hundreds of years.
We are witnessing the breakdown of our illusions. For many this is an excruciating process. For others it is exhilarating. For those who embrace this time we KNOW that aging, the faltering of our bodies and our minds, is an earth-bound experience only. We never age, because we are immortal. And there are many who are on this path of Light who don't seem to be aging much at all.
Rid yourself of illusions, all the pap that you have been fed, and you will see what I mean.
We are so ensnared by illusion, the illusions of the lower dimensions and our 3D/ego centered existence, that we have forgotten that we came from the stars, and from the heart of our great Creator.
At one time we walked with God and the Beings of the higher realms, and in this most unique moment of history we have the opportunity to do so again.
This time will not come again for a many years, for many hundreds of years.
We are witnessing the breakdown of our illusions. For many this is an excruciating process. For others it is exhilarating. For those who embrace this time we KNOW that aging, the faltering of our bodies and our minds, is an earth-bound experience only. We never age, because we are immortal. And there are many who are on this path of Light who don't seem to be aging much at all.
Rid yourself of illusions, all the pap that you have been fed, and you will see what I mean.