I've heard it said that the Earth is a sub-universe. We were created last and we are at the farthest reaches of the universe, and therefore at the farthest point away from the light of the Creator and pure Goodness. We have strayed away from the Light the most, and of all intelligent Beings who occupy other worlds and are far more advanced on the road to ascension and "remembering" than we are, we have almost completely forgotten our Divine Heritage, who we really are, so greatly have we become ensnared in delusion and in a world of "duality".
Some would call us fallen. Others would say that we represent the potential of a Divinity that, once freed from the darkness, has the strength to return "home" and to full remembrance.
Now, what is evident is that there are parallel universes upon the Earth already, and each are widening quickly, and daily: the Light and the Dark, and those who have chosen to follow either path. Another way of putting this is that each one of us is making a decision to return to Divinity or to remain ensnared at the level of ego and "World Mind', we have free will after all. But what is amazing to me is that we can see this dichotomy so clearly, it's not hidden. We see amazing Beings of Light who have chosen to anchor their vision of Light into the Earth at this time, and pray ardently for the ascension of all.
And we also see Beings who have forgotten they are Light and are engaging in the most despicable acts of cruelty imaginable, rendering them lower than the beasts. We can look upon them in their depravity and agree clearly that their actions reflect a fallen world. This dichotomy is staggering: between a Master Jesus, a Mandela, a Mother Theresa and a Gandhi on the one hand, and those who decapitate others in the name of their "god" on the other. Further, this schism grows wider every day.
There is no one to save us: what happens on the Earth is up to us, gone are the days of spiritual infancy as we await the intersession of a Divine Father or Mother God. We are the Messiahs that we have been waiting for and the Divine can do nothing unless we surrender to Divine Will completely, and choose to grow. We are the Masters of our own Destiny.
Here's the thing: we are living in an accelerated time right now, so the status quo no longer holds. The dreariness of cruelty and the banality of evil (the ego) , is no longer acceptable, as we are all being called home by the Creator: the Earth, humanity and all of creation. There is no opt out clause.
So what happens to those who turn their backs on Ascension? Well, for a start, that would not be possible, as this is something that the Creator is unfolding: it is time for the Earth to be brought into alignment. But for those who take a little longer to come to this realization I have also heard it said that there will be a world for them as well, a sub-sub universe if we can call it that, a parallel world to the one that we are currently living in where their current stages of reality will be replicated and perpetuated until Ascension becomes inevitable.
I actually see this division occurring already.
Some would call us fallen. Others would say that we represent the potential of a Divinity that, once freed from the darkness, has the strength to return "home" and to full remembrance.
Now, what is evident is that there are parallel universes upon the Earth already, and each are widening quickly, and daily: the Light and the Dark, and those who have chosen to follow either path. Another way of putting this is that each one of us is making a decision to return to Divinity or to remain ensnared at the level of ego and "World Mind', we have free will after all. But what is amazing to me is that we can see this dichotomy so clearly, it's not hidden. We see amazing Beings of Light who have chosen to anchor their vision of Light into the Earth at this time, and pray ardently for the ascension of all.
And we also see Beings who have forgotten they are Light and are engaging in the most despicable acts of cruelty imaginable, rendering them lower than the beasts. We can look upon them in their depravity and agree clearly that their actions reflect a fallen world. This dichotomy is staggering: between a Master Jesus, a Mandela, a Mother Theresa and a Gandhi on the one hand, and those who decapitate others in the name of their "god" on the other. Further, this schism grows wider every day.
There is no one to save us: what happens on the Earth is up to us, gone are the days of spiritual infancy as we await the intersession of a Divine Father or Mother God. We are the Messiahs that we have been waiting for and the Divine can do nothing unless we surrender to Divine Will completely, and choose to grow. We are the Masters of our own Destiny.
Here's the thing: we are living in an accelerated time right now, so the status quo no longer holds. The dreariness of cruelty and the banality of evil (the ego) , is no longer acceptable, as we are all being called home by the Creator: the Earth, humanity and all of creation. There is no opt out clause.
So what happens to those who turn their backs on Ascension? Well, for a start, that would not be possible, as this is something that the Creator is unfolding: it is time for the Earth to be brought into alignment. But for those who take a little longer to come to this realization I have also heard it said that there will be a world for them as well, a sub-sub universe if we can call it that, a parallel world to the one that we are currently living in where their current stages of reality will be replicated and perpetuated until Ascension becomes inevitable.
I actually see this division occurring already.