Everything that we are seeing in the world right now is a clashing of Light and darkness, and not just in the obvious clashes of civilizations and religions, of one country against another, or black against white, rich against poor, the governed and those who govern, the gunman and those he chooses to murder, but of all that which lies within each of us.
Ego (or darkness) is encountering the Light in a way that we have not seen in the history of the Earth.
The darkness will not ascend in the New Earth paradigm which is now upon us. That means that it is up to each one of us to transmute the darkness within us, and within the Earth into Light, through our prayers and intentions.
Beauty and beast, it exists within each of us.
Ego (or darkness) is encountering the Light in a way that we have not seen in the history of the Earth.
The darkness will not ascend in the New Earth paradigm which is now upon us. That means that it is up to each one of us to transmute the darkness within us, and within the Earth into Light, through our prayers and intentions.
Beauty and beast, it exists within each of us.