What we have overlooked in the mass changes that are now upon us is the effect of a shifting of the Earth's gravity, the movement and the flux in this sub-universe in particular and in the cosmos overall, on every Being that is conscious at this time. We are all being radically affected.
We are not the only Beings on this planet, The Earth is mother to a radiant array of other Beings as well, the plants, the flowers,the animals that move across the land and the mammals that swim through our oceans and lakes. They are also ascending and feeling the movement and the pulse of dynamic change in the same way as we do.
I believe, sincerely, that the dynamics is changing in the relationship that we have with these Beings and with the Earth herself. For far too long have we considered her to be inert, without spirit, dead matter to be exploited to serve our ends only. But this is not so, she and all her creatures are manifestations of the Creator as much as we are, and they are now starting to grow in consciousness as well. They are trying to get our attention once more.
I have heard it said that God so loves the world that there is legion of Archangels that also watch over the Mother quite lovingly, and I believe this to be true. All of life is sentient, all are sparks of the Divine and in this mass movement of ascension, we are unifying as never.
Perhaps this was the original intent that we have forgotten.
The other night I went out for a walk, it was beautiful, cold and crisp, starry, and the lights of the houses, festive,provided a lovely backdrop to my sojourn. I saw a little cat on the sidewalk half a block ahead of me. He/she started turning towards me, and then began to run, great "meows" as she started to rub herself over my legs in great excitement. I had never seen this little one before. She started to climb up my pant leg and so I lifted her up and held her and we proceeded to have this amazing moment of pure love, butting heads together, great purring and amazed laughter, and this went on for a good long time. Then, as cats do, she decided that was enough and so I released her and we both went along our way.
Watch for this: these types of interactions, I believe, are going to start to manifest much more readily.
We are not the only Beings on this planet, The Earth is mother to a radiant array of other Beings as well, the plants, the flowers,the animals that move across the land and the mammals that swim through our oceans and lakes. They are also ascending and feeling the movement and the pulse of dynamic change in the same way as we do.
I believe, sincerely, that the dynamics is changing in the relationship that we have with these Beings and with the Earth herself. For far too long have we considered her to be inert, without spirit, dead matter to be exploited to serve our ends only. But this is not so, she and all her creatures are manifestations of the Creator as much as we are, and they are now starting to grow in consciousness as well. They are trying to get our attention once more.
I have heard it said that God so loves the world that there is legion of Archangels that also watch over the Mother quite lovingly, and I believe this to be true. All of life is sentient, all are sparks of the Divine and in this mass movement of ascension, we are unifying as never.
Perhaps this was the original intent that we have forgotten.
The other night I went out for a walk, it was beautiful, cold and crisp, starry, and the lights of the houses, festive,provided a lovely backdrop to my sojourn. I saw a little cat on the sidewalk half a block ahead of me. He/she started turning towards me, and then began to run, great "meows" as she started to rub herself over my legs in great excitement. I had never seen this little one before. She started to climb up my pant leg and so I lifted her up and held her and we proceeded to have this amazing moment of pure love, butting heads together, great purring and amazed laughter, and this went on for a good long time. Then, as cats do, she decided that was enough and so I released her and we both went along our way.
Watch for this: these types of interactions, I believe, are going to start to manifest much more readily.