September is going to be a make or break month for many. We are being bombarded by celestial phenomenon: a Supermoon led us into September. This coming weekend, on September 13th we will go through a partial solar eclipse. There is an Equinox on September 23rd and a total lunar eclipse on the 28th.
And if that is not enough, Mercury goes retrograde beginning September 17th, a veritable explosion of celestial energy.
For those energetic sensitives like myself, this is a really, really good time to be absolutely centered as this will be a wild ride. For those who claim to turn their backs on events such as this, their worlds will rock the most of all...because it is designed to strip us down to our essentials and assist us to rid ourselves of everything that is no longer required.
Everything that is false and pretentious, everything that is illusory in our lives.
This is a golden opportunity to let it all go.
It is not going to be pleasant if you do not.
And if that is not enough, Mercury goes retrograde beginning September 17th, a veritable explosion of celestial energy.
For those energetic sensitives like myself, this is a really, really good time to be absolutely centered as this will be a wild ride. For those who claim to turn their backs on events such as this, their worlds will rock the most of all...because it is designed to strip us down to our essentials and assist us to rid ourselves of everything that is no longer required.
Everything that is false and pretentious, everything that is illusory in our lives.
This is a golden opportunity to let it all go.
It is not going to be pleasant if you do not.