I have heard it said that when God created the Earth She/He decided to make our beloved planet a place of great diversity. And that, in fact, all of the diversity of the universe resides here.
When I travel, I revel and delight in this diversity. I am an observer of life, and whether I am in a village in Vietnam, in the Sahara with the Tuareg, in a fishing village in Nova Scotia or in the highlands of Peru, I observe with enormous delight how diverse and how beautiful we all are.
In my pantheon, I have lived many lives. In this life I happen to be a white female. But I am also male, black, brown and all shades in between. I am Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Jew. I am gay, straight and transgendered.
My arms and my Spirit reach out to the East and the West, to the North and the South.
As does yours, and yours and yours...
When I travel, I revel and delight in this diversity. I am an observer of life, and whether I am in a village in Vietnam, in the Sahara with the Tuareg, in a fishing village in Nova Scotia or in the highlands of Peru, I observe with enormous delight how diverse and how beautiful we all are.
In my pantheon, I have lived many lives. In this life I happen to be a white female. But I am also male, black, brown and all shades in between. I am Hindu, Muslim, Christian and Jew. I am gay, straight and transgendered.
My arms and my Spirit reach out to the East and the West, to the North and the South.
As does yours, and yours and yours...