I find that it has become instinctive to seek sanctuary as much as possible. This could be within a room, a mansion, a place in the woods or by the sea, however we define "sanctuary" to be.
The gloves are off now and all of the rancid hatreds and dysfunctions within society, within ourselves, are coming up in dramatic ways, never have we collectively and individually, been brought to the edge of such a precipice as we are seeing in the world right now.
Those who are the vanguard at this time, those who committed to being here at this most decisive moment in our human history, need to wake up fully to their commitments.
The gloves are off now and all of the rancid hatreds and dysfunctions within society, within ourselves, are coming up in dramatic ways, never have we collectively and individually, been brought to the edge of such a precipice as we are seeing in the world right now.
Those who are the vanguard at this time, those who committed to being here at this most decisive moment in our human history, need to wake up fully to their commitments.