We have a premier in this country who is riding roughshod over human rights through the lever of a clause that gives him more power.
As to why people did not see that this would happen before they elected him defies all reasoning. His stance, his manner and his "beliefs" are "Trump'esque" in the worst way possible, but he was still elected.
We could say that he is the problem of the province whose majority elected him but that would be shortsighted.
Nothing "Trump'esque" belongs in this country and it must be confronted and weeded out before it takes root, through the democratic and law abiding procedures that have made this country what it is today. He is one man, we are many and our voices, collectively, are powerful.
Perhaps we can encourage him to seek other avenues for his own unique form of self-expression. Or other countries. I am sure that his manner of governance resonates closely with other administrations close by, and we would like to encourage him to really reflect on this nascent beginning of fascism so that he can transform his ways back to the democratic foundations that make us all grateful to live in this country.
As to why people did not see that this would happen before they elected him defies all reasoning. His stance, his manner and his "beliefs" are "Trump'esque" in the worst way possible, but he was still elected.
We could say that he is the problem of the province whose majority elected him but that would be shortsighted.
Nothing "Trump'esque" belongs in this country and it must be confronted and weeded out before it takes root, through the democratic and law abiding procedures that have made this country what it is today. He is one man, we are many and our voices, collectively, are powerful.
Perhaps we can encourage him to seek other avenues for his own unique form of self-expression. Or other countries. I am sure that his manner of governance resonates closely with other administrations close by, and we would like to encourage him to really reflect on this nascent beginning of fascism so that he can transform his ways back to the democratic foundations that make us all grateful to live in this country.