As we leave the comfort zone of the Equinox, the seven day period after the beauty, stillness and power of that day I am noticing that the energy has shifted dramatically.
For myself, I feel as though I am moving slower, speaking slower to my clients, deeply engaged in the moment, more so than I’ve ever been.
There is much more activity now in the “ethers” and the unseen world, as though we have been invaded by the Silent Ones, those of the Light that are here with us now, from other realms and from other worlds. How we respond to the coming months will truly define us and the quality of the life that we will be experiencing because EVERYONE, regardless of how unconscious, regardless of how much they adamantly swear that they do not believe in God, or a Divine Source, however one chooses to define this, is being swept up in the power of the Light and the energies that are now flooding the Earth.
The dark energies of the astral plane await those who remain in egotistic behaviors.
For myself, I feel as though I am moving slower, speaking slower to my clients, deeply engaged in the moment, more so than I’ve ever been.
There is much more activity now in the “ethers” and the unseen world, as though we have been invaded by the Silent Ones, those of the Light that are here with us now, from other realms and from other worlds. How we respond to the coming months will truly define us and the quality of the life that we will be experiencing because EVERYONE, regardless of how unconscious, regardless of how much they adamantly swear that they do not believe in God, or a Divine Source, however one chooses to define this, is being swept up in the power of the Light and the energies that are now flooding the Earth.
The dark energies of the astral plane await those who remain in egotistic behaviors.