This is the title of an editorial in today's New York Times written by Dariush Mozaffarian, Dean of the Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy and Dan Glickman, the secretary of Agriculture in the US from 1995 - 2001.
In this article the authors state that about 100 million people in the US, or half the population, are sick. They are suffering from diabetes, pre-diabetes or a cardiovascular condition. Three in four adults are obese and overweight.
And this is just in the US.
Not only are the foods we are eating killing us, those of us who are inclined to a fast food fix, but the Earth herself is depleted and sick too.
We have ravaged the Earth to the extent that vital nutrients have, in many cases, been completely eradicated leaving one to question the nutritional value of foods, even "fresh foods" that we purchase from the larger supermarkets that dominate our towns and cities.
If we wonder why the Earth is in paroxysms now, it is because she is cleansing and healing herself, having realized that up until now, the majority of humanity has not been wise in the stewardship of her vital resources. Or cared about her at all.
The Earth is doing everything she can to heal, and this may translate into wildfires, volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters that we are witnessing in our world now.
This process will not stop until the Earth is returned to a pristine condition.
In the meantime, we must all be vigilant about how we are treating the Earth and as has been made clear from this article (among many) what we are ingesting on a daily basis as well.
In this article the authors state that about 100 million people in the US, or half the population, are sick. They are suffering from diabetes, pre-diabetes or a cardiovascular condition. Three in four adults are obese and overweight.
And this is just in the US.
Not only are the foods we are eating killing us, those of us who are inclined to a fast food fix, but the Earth herself is depleted and sick too.
We have ravaged the Earth to the extent that vital nutrients have, in many cases, been completely eradicated leaving one to question the nutritional value of foods, even "fresh foods" that we purchase from the larger supermarkets that dominate our towns and cities.
If we wonder why the Earth is in paroxysms now, it is because she is cleansing and healing herself, having realized that up until now, the majority of humanity has not been wise in the stewardship of her vital resources. Or cared about her at all.
The Earth is doing everything she can to heal, and this may translate into wildfires, volcanoes, earthquakes and other natural disasters that we are witnessing in our world now.
This process will not stop until the Earth is returned to a pristine condition.
In the meantime, we must all be vigilant about how we are treating the Earth and as has been made clear from this article (among many) what we are ingesting on a daily basis as well.