When we say that the Goddess energy has returned to the Earth, many of us automatically assume the loving and benevolent energy of a Mother Mary or a Kwan Yin, and we are right to do so. This loving energy and nurturance sustains us all regardless of culture, religion and gender.
However, we would be doing ourselves a great disfavor if we did not also remember that the Kali is an aspect of the Great Mother. One who is seen as the Goddess of destruction in her terrifying aspect. Mother as Great Warrior, Great Avatar, and Holy Fighter.
And one who does not tend the hearth, but who fights on the front lines, along with her male counterpart, Lord Shiva.
Kali is very much with us right now. And if she destroys and awakens us then that is because She loves us dearly.
She is very vested in what is happening on the Earth.
However, we would be doing ourselves a great disfavor if we did not also remember that the Kali is an aspect of the Great Mother. One who is seen as the Goddess of destruction in her terrifying aspect. Mother as Great Warrior, Great Avatar, and Holy Fighter.
And one who does not tend the hearth, but who fights on the front lines, along with her male counterpart, Lord Shiva.
Kali is very much with us right now. And if she destroys and awakens us then that is because She loves us dearly.
She is very vested in what is happening on the Earth.