Occasionally I go back to the texts that laid the basis of the early church and how they used a sleight of hand to twist the words of this brilliant and wise Master to their advantage.
The entire lynchpin of the teachings of the Master Jesus was that of taking personal responsibility for our own ascension and for our relationship with the Divine, however we define that term. He was not the Way, he never pretended to be, but he was pivotal in showing us the Way for ourselves, and in teaching us how to become a Divine Human, so that through diligence and discipline, and a pure heart, we could return to the original Divine state as intended for each of us, no matter our station, our religion, our gender, our proclivities, our culture.
We could return to the way we were created in the first place..
The early church, in a penultimate power grab, said that only Jesus was the Way and (by the way) they were the only ones to provide an accurate interpretation of the Divine word.
Which is absolute rubbish.
Everything that we have been taught, everything that we have learned, even for those who have worked long and hard on themselves spiritually, is being overturned. We are in a powerful crucible of change right now and the Earth and all of us are accelerating in our vibrations and ascending in ways that are truly miraculous. All are in this spiral, no one is being left behind.
The only Way ahead is to go inside and seek the Divine within, because divinity does not come from an entity or an edifice OUT THERE, it comes from within.... only.
Full stop. All else is chaos.
The entire lynchpin of the teachings of the Master Jesus was that of taking personal responsibility for our own ascension and for our relationship with the Divine, however we define that term. He was not the Way, he never pretended to be, but he was pivotal in showing us the Way for ourselves, and in teaching us how to become a Divine Human, so that through diligence and discipline, and a pure heart, we could return to the original Divine state as intended for each of us, no matter our station, our religion, our gender, our proclivities, our culture.
We could return to the way we were created in the first place..
The early church, in a penultimate power grab, said that only Jesus was the Way and (by the way) they were the only ones to provide an accurate interpretation of the Divine word.
Which is absolute rubbish.
Everything that we have been taught, everything that we have learned, even for those who have worked long and hard on themselves spiritually, is being overturned. We are in a powerful crucible of change right now and the Earth and all of us are accelerating in our vibrations and ascending in ways that are truly miraculous. All are in this spiral, no one is being left behind.
The only Way ahead is to go inside and seek the Divine within, because divinity does not come from an entity or an edifice OUT THERE, it comes from within.... only.
Full stop. All else is chaos.