I dreamed. I dreamed of fresh flowers and bright green grass. I dreamed of ancient cedars who would never know the wanton stroke of an axe.
I dreamed of animals as they ran alongside us, playfully, and fresh clear waters gurgling with happiness as we drank our fill.
I dreamed of kind, good people, happy people who formed communities of joy and who loved one another. Where the land supported them in simple prosperity and where they cherished the Mother, and treated her with love and respect.
Where the arts and sciences flourished as new discoveries were made, in partnership with our family from the Highest of Realms. Where we walked and toiled with them, as we once did.
Where there was abundance for all, and not just for the few at the expense of all.
Where Love formed the foundation of All that Is.
I dreamed and I dreamed. And when I awoke and went out into my world, I saw the beauty of the flowers and the trees, I tasted the freshness of the water and laughed with the animals that ran alongside me and who were not afraid.
I greeted my friends and my family with an open heart and they greeted me in the same way.
I saw that the arts and sciences flourished and that we worked in the areas that best suited our natures, where we all lived in harmony with a pristine Earth that both loved us and supported us.
Where we walked with our Beloveds.
As it was in the beginning.
I dreamed of animals as they ran alongside us, playfully, and fresh clear waters gurgling with happiness as we drank our fill.
I dreamed of kind, good people, happy people who formed communities of joy and who loved one another. Where the land supported them in simple prosperity and where they cherished the Mother, and treated her with love and respect.
Where the arts and sciences flourished as new discoveries were made, in partnership with our family from the Highest of Realms. Where we walked and toiled with them, as we once did.
Where there was abundance for all, and not just for the few at the expense of all.
Where Love formed the foundation of All that Is.
I dreamed and I dreamed. And when I awoke and went out into my world, I saw the beauty of the flowers and the trees, I tasted the freshness of the water and laughed with the animals that ran alongside me and who were not afraid.
I greeted my friends and my family with an open heart and they greeted me in the same way.
I saw that the arts and sciences flourished and that we worked in the areas that best suited our natures, where we all lived in harmony with a pristine Earth that both loved us and supported us.
Where we walked with our Beloveds.
As it was in the beginning.