I am neither black, white, red or yellow but in the deepest Essence of my Being I contain all of these things.
I am neither male nor female. I AM both and within the elaborate tapestry of my Being, I wield both essences in perfect harmony.
I AM neither ancient nor young, I AM both, as ancient as the days in my galactic splendor, and as young as a new born child
I AM in the wind, the trees, the rocks and the waters, I am the deep sensual aroma of the flowers.
I AM in the tornado and the earthquake and in the rising oceans for we are ALL seamlessly bound together, created from the ONE and to the ONE we will all ultimately return.
There is no separation.
It is not God that is killing us, it is Us killing ourselves, and until we realize this.......
I am neither male nor female. I AM both and within the elaborate tapestry of my Being, I wield both essences in perfect harmony.
I AM neither ancient nor young, I AM both, as ancient as the days in my galactic splendor, and as young as a new born child
I AM in the wind, the trees, the rocks and the waters, I am the deep sensual aroma of the flowers.
I AM in the tornado and the earthquake and in the rising oceans for we are ALL seamlessly bound together, created from the ONE and to the ONE we will all ultimately return.
There is no separation.
It is not God that is killing us, it is Us killing ourselves, and until we realize this.......