It has been said by some that the Age of Aquarius is being heralded in by the angels. They are the ones that are orchestrating the changes and elevating humanity into the light.
Archangel Michael, it is said, is the one that is leading and guiding humanity into the next stage of existence. He holds the matrix to this unfolding world, and is God's overseer.
It is interesting to me that this great Archangel, along with Archangel Gabriel, is the one that is embraced by all of the world's religions. Finally! a point of significant agreement.
This is also, according to Chinese astrology, the Year of the Snake. That wicked snake that early interpreters in the Christian tradition tried to paint as the devil, luring Eve to her demise. As always, in matters of import like this, the early Church was in error. Or perhaps not so much in error as twisting ancient secrets to their own end in order to fully consolidate their power over the hapless.
The snake can be likened to the "kundalini", the coil of energy in the yogic traditions that lies in the base of the spine of all of us. This Chi, this Divine Energy, is the one that is being released now. Its release will bring us back to our true power, our true selves, our Divine Birthright. All we need to do is free ourselves from the deception of "Maya" or the world of illusion, easier said than done. The energy of the "Snake" is rising now.
So, we have a powerful combination: the Age of Aquarius, as heralded by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light, and the Year of the Snake, the coiled Divinity within each of us that is rising, no matter which path we take, no matter what our belief system, or which religion we bow to.
Archangel Michael, it is said, is the one that is leading and guiding humanity into the next stage of existence. He holds the matrix to this unfolding world, and is God's overseer.
It is interesting to me that this great Archangel, along with Archangel Gabriel, is the one that is embraced by all of the world's religions. Finally! a point of significant agreement.
This is also, according to Chinese astrology, the Year of the Snake. That wicked snake that early interpreters in the Christian tradition tried to paint as the devil, luring Eve to her demise. As always, in matters of import like this, the early Church was in error. Or perhaps not so much in error as twisting ancient secrets to their own end in order to fully consolidate their power over the hapless.
The snake can be likened to the "kundalini", the coil of energy in the yogic traditions that lies in the base of the spine of all of us. This Chi, this Divine Energy, is the one that is being released now. Its release will bring us back to our true power, our true selves, our Divine Birthright. All we need to do is free ourselves from the deception of "Maya" or the world of illusion, easier said than done. The energy of the "Snake" is rising now.
So, we have a powerful combination: the Age of Aquarius, as heralded by Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light, and the Year of the Snake, the coiled Divinity within each of us that is rising, no matter which path we take, no matter what our belief system, or which religion we bow to.