Abundance is our Divine Birthright.
How have we allowed ourselves to become so impoverished? We have created institutions and a way of being that favors the rich at the expense of the poor. That favors those who govern at the expense of the governed.
We have collectively created and bought into a mentality of despair, poverty and scarcity. We have given permission to become dis-empowered.
This is not our Divine Birthright. Our Divine Birthright is to live at the table of abundance. It is to live at the heart of Cornucopia, in joy, harmony, love and peaceful co-existence.
How have we allowed ourselves to become so impoverished? We have created institutions and a way of being that favors the rich at the expense of the poor. That favors those who govern at the expense of the governed.
We have collectively created and bought into a mentality of despair, poverty and scarcity. We have given permission to become dis-empowered.
This is not our Divine Birthright. Our Divine Birthright is to live at the table of abundance. It is to live at the heart of Cornucopia, in joy, harmony, love and peaceful co-existence.