Once upon a time in a place on the far side of the galaxy, a group of Light Beings came together to form a world.
These Beings were from all planets and origins, and when they first got together there was an unsettled air amongst them as they adjusted to each other, but in time there was equanimity and peace.
"What is our purpose for creating this world?" they asked each other.
"It is to see if we can blend and harmonize our gifts and genius and and create a world where everyone just has to get along."
And so they did, and for a time this jewel of a world existed in pristine Purity and Beauty. Creatures unique to this world were created in many forms and peace reigned across the land.
Over time, restlessness crept into the hearts of some of the Elders. This grew into a sense of entitlement over their creations and an annoyance at their perceived slowness. Rival groups began to appear and soon there was overt antagonism and hostility. Happiness grated against their souls and they scorned life's simple joys.
They forgot that they were all equals from different realms, realms where some are slow and some are fast. Where some liked to work with their minds and others with their hands. Where some liked to create beautiful music and art, and others liked to create technology.
Where some just liked to play.
Certain elders began to feel that they were better than others, and surreptitiously they began to enslave those who they felt were their inferiors.
And thus their world became riven over time, with cruelty, avarice and greed, as the souls of these elders became shuttered. They forgot their love of humanity and began to despise them instead.
Eons passed and groans were heard on this world, instead of laughter, and tears and screams instead of joy. Darkness supplanted the Light and this world became one of chaos and war.
It became a lost world, some would say a "fallen world", one where the gods refused to play. Until one day, a great sense of sympathy and compassion swept the heavens as they looked down to see the darkness that was now rooted in this world, one that had turned the people's hearts into stone.
And so, from that time on, a plan was made to sow the Light back into this lost world, and to redeem her.
The Guardians and Warriors of Light gathered.