I have always loved fables, because in the disguising of the fantastic, Truth appears. I find this with my own authors regardless of whether they write children's stories, or stories for those older children that impart a great lesson.
So, I've decided to write my own fables and will share these from time to time.
Here's my first one:
In a time long ago, when the mists covered the Earth and filled all that breathed with great hope and promise, the Great One, out of its love for His/Her children said..."Let there be free will. We are creating new life on this planet that we call E-Don and it shall be beautiful and rich and verdant and full of all great and beautiful things.
We will create a new Being and we will call them human, but in fact they create themselves for only those Spirits of the highest moral caliber, and the highest frequency and vibration will come to this new E-don. At the end of this age, we will call the faithful of this group back to Earth, for the final conclusion of this experiment in duality, as we move from this Age to the next."
And so it was, and for an endless amount of time all on this E-don, now called Earth, thrived and grew in love, bounty and plenty. All worked together in harmony: the Angels and Great Beings of Light from other parts of the galaxy, humans, Earth and all of Her creations, to support this great experiment, and there was great joy and peace.
Over time, "free will" dictated that some were unhappy with this arrangement. They chafed under the yoke of God's great Love for them and so, embracing free will, they began to move apart, and over time they became immersed in the material only, and forgot about God. Their god became ego.
Thousands of years went by and great civilizations rose and fell because, after all, God is always in control and needed to monitor this great experiment so that balance and harmony could be maintained.
Evil grew upon the land, along with greed and cruelty. Humanity tumbled from Grace. All suffered, especially the Earth. Ancient and holy teachings were subverted to accommodate this agenda. Those who embraced this 'new order" enslaved the sons and daughters of God and put them to work in the production of wealth that only they seemed to enjoy. Penury and fear ...and religions were their methods of control.
God allowed this, for a time, because He/She hoped that these errant ones would come back, like prodigal sons and daughters, but many didn't.
Then a voice was heard from Heaven, "It is enough. We must intervene." and so that process of recovery and return began. The sons of darkness scoffed at the Suns of Light and said you will never overcome us, we are too powerful.
But the Suns of Light said that in fact, the sons of darkness have already been overcome by God's great edict, and that redemption and Ascension have already begun for all the Suns of Light on Earth. They hope that they would join them.
The sons of darkness said, "who is going to fight us, your angels"?, and they laughed, "feeble beings with wings that play harps in heaven and are utterly incapable of dismantling what we have created. Do they even exist, these angels?".
As they said this, a great crack of thunder was heard from the Heavens and a voice spoke that shattered their confidence and left them weak with fear.
"I am the head of God's army, and I am certainly not feeble. In your vernacular you may choose to call me an extraterrestrial, although I choose to call myself an Archangel, and my Legions are on Heaven and Earth at this time. My "wings" are Lightships and I come to bring the Will of God back to Earth.
Watch for me."
End of the first fable.