The Creation myths talk about more than one Creator. The Gnostics firmly believe this to be so.
And so there is a God of Light, the Great Creator of us all, and there is the Demiurge, a sub-god as it were, served by angels of darkness called the Archons.
There is a clear demarcation between goodness and evil and the Archons fall into the latter category.
Some say that the Demiurge is a god like Jehovah, vengeful and full of great hatred, exacting retribution mercilessly. The Archons ensured that this will was served.
Who are the Archons one might ask. They are those forces of darkness that keep us in captivity and in obeisance. They are the dark lords who keep us small and who prevent us from realizing just how magnificent we are.
Who are they today, one wonders. They are the great religions who keep us from reaching out to each other. They are are state, that organ that keeps us as little children and who says that they will take care of all our needs as long as we obey them.
They are the financial institutions whose greed guarantees that many remain impoverished. They are those corporations who still treat their employees like detritus, drones on the wheel of corporate profit.
They are our past, for their days are numbered.
And so there is a God of Light, the Great Creator of us all, and there is the Demiurge, a sub-god as it were, served by angels of darkness called the Archons.
There is a clear demarcation between goodness and evil and the Archons fall into the latter category.
Some say that the Demiurge is a god like Jehovah, vengeful and full of great hatred, exacting retribution mercilessly. The Archons ensured that this will was served.
Who are the Archons one might ask. They are those forces of darkness that keep us in captivity and in obeisance. They are the dark lords who keep us small and who prevent us from realizing just how magnificent we are.
Who are they today, one wonders. They are the great religions who keep us from reaching out to each other. They are are state, that organ that keeps us as little children and who says that they will take care of all our needs as long as we obey them.
They are the financial institutions whose greed guarantees that many remain impoverished. They are those corporations who still treat their employees like detritus, drones on the wheel of corporate profit.
They are our past, for their days are numbered.