I just started reading a book called "Corrupted by Fear" by John Carpay, head of the Justice Center for Constitutional Freedoms in Canada. I have been a supporter of this center since Covid started to emerge, along with ensuing eradication of freedoms in this country.
Mr. Carpay writes about the abuse of the rule of law in Canada and the slow erosion of rights and freedoms as enshrined in our constitution. He also writes about the rise of authoritarianism under Justin Trudeau who vilified the great unwashed, like myself, who refused to get the Covid vaccine. His hatred towards his own people culminated in turning the military against innocent protesters, women, men, children, elders, truckers, in a move against the Freedom Convoy. This military action was supported by Canada's banks who froze the trucker's accounts and all donations that went to their support.
The preface of the book talks about the rise of Adolph Hitler at a time when Germany was in economic distress, chafing under the constraints of the Treaty of Versailles. He traces Hitler's rise to power that coincided with the withering of personal freedoms, liberties, the right to free expression, the right to assembly. He rose to power quickly because he was able to successfully convince the population that the loss of liberties would be a temporary measure until he righted their world, and they capitulated. (I believe the Soviet Union in its nascent beginnings used the same argument)
Fast forward to today: be aware of the lessons of history and the inevitable rise and fall of empires. In Hitler's time, books were banned, the "other" was vilified (authoritarians must have "the other" to be successful), countries who had been good neighbors, were annexed. Fortunately, for the world, the Third Reich did not last 1000 years. If we see signs of this kind of authoritarianism emerge today, then we need to speak up or face the inevitable consequences. Never, ever give your power away.
postscript: As I finished a draft of this post, and speculated about its possible publication, I went to our weekly farmer's market and met a lovely woman who was selling teas. I bought two packages from her and in gratitude she gave me a gift: she had a large crystal bowl with her and she intoned a prayer for me of Love and Light, and courage. I was in tears when she finished. She told me that we need to LEAD BY LOVE now, and that it was very important that we all step up to do so. I told her I was a writer and that I had just received the same message in my morning meditation. That I strongly believed in the power of the word.
I also told her I working with a woman on a couple of projects and that she had been a channel for Archangel Michael for over 30 years. A Sacred Scribe.
Her eyes widened as she showed me her earrings: Archangel Michael and his sword.